The CREDIT CARD size In Case Emergency usb carries a text file which lists emergency contacts phone numbers, medical conditions, medications allergies etc. It will fit all wallets and purses.
The file does not carry address or date of birth so its USELESS to a thief. Its waterproof, and really obvious.
You enter your details when it arrives, it's easy to load, I send instructions and if you have any issues, just simply email me.
You'll receive a FREE Paramedic Alert sticker!!
The usb will hold approx 200 pages of information (128mb) and you can add or delete any information on the file that you decide to.
The usb is a robust, obvious and simply fits straight into your wallet or purse, if something happens, authorities will always look here first for ID.
Here's the text file on the usb, its fully editable and easy to load your information on.