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Are you involved in fundraising for your school, charity, sporting club or interest group? 

The In Case Emergency usb has a unique appeal, it's not expensive, it's valuable to have and you can make substantial margins from selling it for your fundraising event. (I can even add your logo to the usb). 

The most important thing is, it can save lives! - (Chocolate can't and lets face it chocolate is NOT the healthiest way to raise funds lol)

You buy a sample, I'll post it free to you. (When you order, I'll refund the initial purchase for the sample) Show it around and then decide to use it for your next fundraiser. I'll supply all the info you'll need and promotional materials customised to your cause. (Posters, flyers etc)  

Depending on the qty you order, the wholesale/fundraising cost per item can start at under $12, which leaves you over $8 per usb profit. 

For more information, please email me - and I'll send you a Fact Sheet.

