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Why every driver and motorbike rider should own one of these...

New red USB ICE key is a ‘must have’ for all drivers and motorbike riders

 There’s been a motor accident, the rider or the driver is unconscious…

 Scenario 1

Police and ambulance crew attend the scene and discover the rider has no ID.

Emergency staff at the hospital and Police may have to spend hours trying to track down his family to notify them of the accident.


Scenario 2

Police and ambulance staff attend the scene and discover the rider has an ICEmergency USB drive attached to his keyring.

They plug the USB into their computer and find 3 emergency contacts and their phone numbers. They also discover he is allergic to some anaesthetics and he is taking 2 medications that may interfere with his emergency treatment.

The family is notified within minutes, the emergency department staff at the hospital now know that the patient is allergic to some drugs and is taking medication.

The ICEmergency USB holds a single pre-loaded file which takes less than two minutes to enter details into and it easily clips onto any key ring.

The text file (will open on any computer) on the USB looks like this;


The distinctive Red colour and laser engraved ICEmergency logo is an internationally known term which means In Case of Emergency.

The ICEmergency USB key costs $19.95 and a discount of 20% applies to more than one item purchased. (Enter the word multi at the checkout). Every driver and motorbike rider should own one.